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Hilarious Generosity, Bible companion

Charles R. Swindoll

Hilarious generosity. Seems like an odd combination of terms, doesn't it? Yet when God prompts His people to give, that's how they respond.

When the Lord commanded Israel to contribute to the building of the tabernacle, the people brought all He requested—gold jewelry of every kind, fine linen, special gemstones, and so much more (Exodus 35:21–29). And they did so with gladness in their hearts! Their response was so overwhelming that Moses told them to stop giving because the people had given “more than enough materials to complete the job” (36:5).

The Hilarious Generosity Bible companion, based on the Bible teaching of Chuck Swindoll, will challenge you to become the generous giver God desires you to be. More than that, you'll begin to experience the outpouring of His blessing as you take Him at His Word!

80 pages

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