Products/Audio/Series/Bible Characters/Abraham: One Nomad’s Amazing Journey of Faith, CD series

Abraham: One Nomad’s Amazing Journey of Faith, CD series

Charles R. Swindoll

What does it mean to be “the friend of God”?

Though he lived in a world at enmity with God, Abraham modelled an enviable walk of faith. When told to go, he went. When promised, he believed. When commanded, he obeyed—even when it seemed to make no sense at all. Abraham wasn’t “the friend of God” (James 2:23) because of his intellect, his pedigree, or his fortune. Abraham was God’s friend because of his faith.

Follow the great Patriarch on his epic adventure in Abraham: One Nomad’s Amazing Journey of Faith, and be challenged to answer life-changing questions for yourself:

  • “Is God calling me to do something radical?”
  • “Which of God’s promises apply to me?”
  • “How can I lead my family in this godless world?”

As you witness an imperfect man’s transformation into a hero of the faith, you’ll be warned by his failures, inspired by his trust, and you’ll learn what it really means to be a “friend of God.”


  • 22 audio messages available on CD

Messages in this Series:

  1. A Patriarch in Panorama
  2. Going...Not Knowing
  3. Never-to-Be-Forgotten Promises
  4. When the Faithful Fail
  5. A Decision That Led to a Disaster
  6. Abram, the Great-Hearted
  7. Can We Talk?
  8. Running ahead of God
  9. Deepening Our Roots with God
  10. One of Those Upper-Downer Days
  11. What Happens When We Pray?
  12. When the Cesspool Overflows
  13. A Wail of Two Cities
  14. Overcoming Depravity’s Dangerous Undertow
  15. Disobedience Déjà Vu
  16. It’s a Boy!
  17. Forgiven Sin...Lingering Consequences
  18. When God Says, “Let Go!”
  19. The Pleasures of Passing God’s Exams
  20. On Finding Your Lifelong Companion
  21. What a Way to Go!
  22. Portrait of a Hero...Warts and Everything

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Abraham: One Nomad’s Amazing Journey of Faith, message series