Products/Books/Abraham: One Nomad’s Amazing Journey of Faith, Bible companion

Abraham: One Nomad’s Amazing Journey of Faith, Bible companion

Charles R. Swindoll

What does it mean to be “the friend of God”?

Though he lived in a world at enmity with God, Abraham modelled an enviable walk of faith. When told to go, he went. When promised, he believed. When commanded, he obeyed—even when it cut cross-grained against his culture and often when it seemed to make no sense at all. Abraham wasn't “the friend of God” (James 2:23) because of his intellect, his pedigree, or his fortune. Abraham was God's friend because of his faith.

Follow the great Patriarch on his epic adventure in the Abraham: One Nomad's Amazing Journey of Faith Bible Companion, and be challenged to answer life-changing questions for yourself:

  • Is God calling me to do something radical?
  • Which of God's promises apply to me?
  • How can I lead my family in this godless world?

As you witness a weak and imperfect man's transformation into a hero of the faith, you'll be warned by his failures and inspired by his trust and you'll learn what it really means to be a “friend of God.”

262 pages (22 chapters)

Available in paperback

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Abraham: One Nomad’s Amazing Journey of Faith, Bible companion