Featured Products/Marriage: From Surviving to Thriving, CD series

Marriage: From Surviving to Thriving, CD series

Charles R. Swindoll

You may have heard, “The three most important words in a marriage are, ‘You’re probably right.’”

Chuck Swindoll’s inspiring series on marriage will challenge you to apply Scripture and to transform your marriage from a dutiful contract that merely survives into an exciting relationship that thrives. Make God the most important part of your marriage and learn to put your spouse first.


  • 8 audio messages available on CD

Messages in this Series:

  1. This Is Not Your Grandfather’s Family
  2. Getting Back on Target
  3. Symphony of Survival in the Key of C
  4. Practical Advice on Making a Marriage Stick
  5. Essential Glue for Every Couple to Apply
  6. What Families Need to Thrive
  7. Danger Signs of Marital Erosion
  8. Staying Young as Your Family Grows Older

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Marriage: From Surviving to Thriving, message series