Bestsellers/How to Follow a Giant, booklet

How to Follow a Giant, booklet

Chuck Swindoll

Great mentors enrich our lives. We enjoy being with them. We look to them for counsel. We talk through our struggles and our victories. We follow their leadership. They become our giants and are truly a gift from God.

But then the time comes for those giants in our lives to exit. Their responsibilities fall into our hands. It happens in business, in family, in church. When they depart, it becomes our turn. How do we carry on their legacy?

Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores the transition of leadership when God took Moses and established Joshua as Israel’s new leader. Moses was a true giant in Joshua’s life, and it fell to Joshua to follow in his steps.

Weaving his own story through the story of Joshua’s, Chuck offers practical steps for following our giants, as well as the inspiration to be a giant in the lives of others.

24-page booklet

1 copies available. The product may be placed on backorder.