Products/Audio/Single Messages/The Secret: An Attitude of Fortitude, CD message

The Secret: An Attitude of Fortitude, CD message

Charles R. Swindoll

It's been said that age is a state of mind. It's interesting that some people are much older at 40 than others are at 70. Why is that? Attitude! A 40 year old may have lost his or her enthusiasm for life, while a 70 year old is still excited about each new day. Attitudes that seem to demoralize the aging are uselessness—“I’m over the hill”; self-pity—“Woe-is-me”; fear—“I don’t feel good today, what if it’s cancer?” and guilt—“I blew it.” But to build up attitude muscles, forget your age, focus on your goals, and remember to follow your God.

Joshua 14:6–14

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The Secret: An Attitude of Fortitude, single message