Products/Audio/Series/God's Masterwork: Old Testament Set (CD)

God's Masterwork: Old Testament Set (CD)

Charles R. Swindoll

The Bible is a big, intimidating book.

Let’s face it, the Bible isn’t the easiest book to read or understand! This is especially true of the Old Testament. It’s filled with ancient and archaic phrases, places, and people. If you’re one of those who shies away out of fear or lack of interest, here’s encouraging news. In God’s Masterwork, Old Testament Set, Chuck Swindoll removes the barriers to understanding the Old Testament and makes studying these ancient and practical books a joy. After listening to these messages, the Old Testament might even become your favourite part of the Bible!


  • 40 audio messages available on CD

Messages in this Series:

God's Masterwork, Volume One: Beginnings—A Survey of Genesis-Deuteronomy
  1. A Symphony for the Soul
  2. Genesis: Where It All Begins
  3. Exodus: Story of Miraculous Freedom
  4. Leviticus: God’s Picture Book on Worship
  5. Numbers: A Tragic Pilgrimage
  6. Deuteronomy: Remember! Remember!
God's Masterwork, Volume Two: The Story of God's People—A Survey of Joshua-Esther
  1. Joshua: Triumph after Tragedy
  2. Judges: Recycled Misery
  3. Ruth: Interlude of Love
  4. 1 Samuel: Nation in Transition
  5. 2 Samuel: Ecstasy and Agony of a King
  6. 1 Kings: Solomon and a Civil War
  7. 2 Kings: From Compromise to Captivity
  8. 1 and 2 Chronicles: Reassurance for a Remnant
  9. Ezra: True Man of the Word
  10. Nehemiah: Softhearted Hard Hat
  11. Esther: Beauty and the Best
God's Masterwork, Volume Three: Poets, Prophets, and Promises—A Survey of Job-Daniel
  1. Job: Magnificent Man of Misery
  2. Psalms: Inspired Anthology of Praise
  3. Proverbs: Reliable Counsel for Right Living
  4. Ecclesiastes: Searching for the Meaning of Life
  5. Song of Solomon: Poem of Faithful Love
  6. Profile of a Prophet
  7. Isaiah: Prince among the Prophets
  8. Jeremiah: Weeping, Warning, and Waiting
  9. Lamentations: A Prophet’s Broken Heart
  10. Ezekiel: Strong Man of God
  11. Daniel: Man of Integrity, Message of Prophecy
God's Masterwork, Volume Four: An Invitation to Return—A Survey of Hosea-Malachi
  1. Hosea: Love That Never Dies
  2. Joel: Preparing for the Day of the Lord
  3. Amos: From Fig-Picker to Prophet-Preacher
  4. Obadiah: Strong Warning to the Proud
  5. Jonah: The Prodigal Prophet
  6. Micah: Advocate for the Poor
  7. Nahum: The Consequences of Negligence
  8. Habakkuk: Wrestling, Waiting, Praying, Praising
  9. Zephaniah: Bright Light in a Dark Day
  10. Haggai: Persuasive Prophet of Priorities
  11. Zechariah: Man of Vision and Faith
  12. Malachi: Last Call before Silence

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God’s Masterwork: Old Testament