Products/Audio/Single Messages/Arrested, Confined, but Still Effective, CD message

Arrested, Confined, but Still Effective, CD message

Charles R. Swindoll

A few ordinary men and women have lived so extraordinarily that their lives light every generation. Among the strongest of these beacons is the Apostle Paul. Through his darkest days, he reflected Christ's light to the first-century church.

Today, we still read the letters he wrote while under house arrest in Rome nearly two millennia ago. Even though he was chained to a soldier, he still found a way to write to the Philippians and the Colossians. Let's take a closer look at his letter to the church at Philippi to see how he maintained a positive attitude and an effective ministry even to those who imprisoned him.

Acts 28:30-31; Philippians 1:12-14

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