Featured Products/The Mystery of God’s Will, CD series

The Mystery of God’s Will, CD series

Charles R. Swindoll

Have you ever wondered if you are living within the will of God? Despite its complexity, Scripture still offers a lot of clarity about knowing and doing God’s will.

Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll for an inspiring series on the will of God.

Learn how to think theologically, make wise decisions, and walk obediently. And ultimately remember that God uses all things for your good and His glory!


  • 11 audio messages available on CD

Messages in this Series:

  1. Foundational Principles about God’s Will
  2. Moving from Theory to Reality
  3. Fleshing Out the Will of God
  4. Another Deep Mystery: God’s Sovereignty
  5. Reading God’s Mysterious Lips
  6. The Magnificent Chesed of God
  7. God’s Mysterious Immutability
  8. Can God’s Will Make Us Holy?
  9. Surprised by God
  10. Closed Doors, Open Doors
  11. A Better Way to Look at God’s Will

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The Mystery of God’s Will, message series