Hope Beyond the Culture: How to Shock the Pagan Crowd, CD message

Charles R. Swindoll

Throughout the New Testament we read of the changed life that follows genuine conversion. When the sins of our former life are freely and fully forgiven, when the righteousness of Christ is credited to our account, when the Spirit of God takes up residence within the heart, when old things pass away and all things become new, a transformation begins!

This radical series of changes results in an alteration of our habits and pursuits as well as our choice of close friends. Peter wrote of all these things centuries ago, but there isn't a Christian today who cannot identify with his words, especially his comments regarding the reaction of those who do not know the Lord. This message examines what it is that causes unbelievers to be so surprised (and angry) at us.

1 Peter 4:1-6

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Hope Beyond the Culture: How to Shock the Pagan Crowd, single message