Featured Products/The Little Red Book of Wisdom, paperback

The Little Red Book of Wisdom, paperback

Mark DeMoss

The Little Red Book of Wisdom takes the reader on a journey so often sidestepped in favour of the newer, quicker, easier. If you're seeking simplicity in a complicated world, Mark DeMoss' insights will illuminate your path to a wiser and more deliberate way of living. By illuminating the notions of integrity, humility, and self-restraint, DeMoss demonstrates what is possible when we value listening and thinking over talking and doing.

  • Learn why a postage stamp is worth much more than 44 cents, and what time of day wisdom flourishes
  • Find out the wisest decision anyone can make, and the value of eating lunch alone
  • Rethink the advantages of technology, and learn how to safeguard yourself against any shadow of deathbed regret

Step out of the incessant business of your daily life, and spend a few moments learning timeless and foolproof truths that you can apply right away. Wisdom is not just for past generations; it calls to us today. We need only respond.

208 pages

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