Products/Audio/Single Messages/That Nasty Three-Letter Word, CD message

That Nasty Three-Letter Word, CD message

Chuck Swindoll

Of the many things we could name that cause Christians grief and heartache, nothing can compare to sin. We are assured that at salvation God removed the curse of sin from us, “as far as the east is from the west” (Psalm 103:12). What a glorious truth! And yet—sin never really went away. Sin invades our thoughts, degrades our motives, and weakens—even ruins—our relationships. Sin infects our attitudes, damages our marriages, and discolors our reputations as it prompts us to think what we shouldn’t think, say what we shouldn’t say, and head toward dangerous destinations where we shouldn’t go. Amazingly, even though Christians know all of this and even though we have the Holy Spirit permanently living within us to restrain us from acting out—we often go right ahead and sin. So, does this mean we are not really born again? Let’s find out!

1 John 3:4-10

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That Nasty Three-Letter Word, single message