Products/Kids/Songs from Wildwood, Volume 2, Paws & Tales music CD

Songs from Wildwood, Volume 2, Paws & Tales music CD

Paws & Tales

From the creators of Paws & Tales come 10 more fun songs with a fantastic message. Sing along with your friends from Wildwood and enjoy songs that reinforce essential values like honesty, selflessness, and obedience.

10 songs

* The Sailing Song (Obedience)
* Forgiveness (Forgiving others)
* The Crooked Man (God sees the heart)
* It Would Be Silly (Honouring authorities)
* Do the Right Thing (Doing what is right)
* What Kind of Boy (Becoming a disciple of Jesus)
* Tell It Like It Is (Honesty)
* Go-Cart Go (Co-operation)
* Treasures in Heaven (The dangers of greed)
* Still Small Voice (Keeping a clean conscience)

1 copies available. The product may be placed on backorder.