Products/Audio/Digital mp3/Resolving Those Parent/Child Conflicts, digital message

Resolving Those Parent/Child Conflicts, digital message

Chuck Swindoll

Conflicts are inevitable in every family. And learning how to resolve them is of vital importance. Sometimes parents are the ones who create conflict. Moms and dads are often too busy and preoccupied, which leads them to be impatient and irritable. As a result, they wound their sons and daughters by what they say and do, leaving scars that don’t go away. It’s not uncommon for children to offend their parents as well. As children get older, they often act selfishly, respond angrily, or thoughtlessly blurt out words that hurt their parents. This behaviour also results in lingering and painful feelings that only intensify over the years. When conflicts remain unresolved, unhealthy consequences occur—like deep wounds that get infected and fester. Unless conflicts are dealt with appropriately, there can be a permanent breakdown in relationships that time alone will not heal. Who knows how many families today have grown apart due to silence and unresolved conflicts? Who can guess how many wrongs have been swept aside, causing unmentioned family secrets to linger? Reconciliation is essential if we wish to cultivate healthy and wholesome relationships.

Matthew 5:23–24; 18:21–35

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Resolving Those Parent/Child Conflicts, single message