Products/Books/Meet Me in the Library: Readings from Eight Writers Who Shaped My Life, paperback

Meet Me in the Library: Readings from Eight Writers Who Shaped My Life, paperback

Chuck Swindoll

You’ve heard Chuck Swindoll talk about them for years—his favourite authors and his favorite books and how they shaped his life. Now discover for yourself these great men and women of God. In this devotional compilation, Chuck introduces you to nine of his favorite books and explains how God used these authors or these topics to grow him into greater knowledge and faith. Chuck’s introductions will help you focus your heart on what the Lord may want to teach you through His timeless Word, as further explained in these classic works.

Meet Chuck in his library, and learn the lessons of faith from those who influenced him.

Meet Me in the Library includes:

  • Personal introductions from Chuck for each selection
  • F. B. Meyer on prayer from The Secret of Guidance
  • Charles Haddon Spurgeon on discouragement from Lectures to My Students
  • Elisabeth Elliot on pursuing one’s calling from Through Gates of Splendor
  • Eugene H. Peterson on finishing well from A Long Obedience in the Same Direction
  • J. Oswald Sanders on servanthood from Spiritual Leadership
  • A. W. Tozer on intimacy with God from The Knowledge of the Holy and on trials and testing from The Root of the Righteous
  • Andrew Murray on joy from Abide in Christ
  • Francis A. Schaeffer on Christian love from The Mark of the Christian
  • A special chapter by Chuck on how to become a better reader

140 pages

5 copies available. The product may be placed on backorder.