Products/Books/PDFs/Living on the Ragged Edge, PDF Bible companion

Living on the Ragged Edge, PDF Bible companion

Charles R. Swindoll

Solomon kept a journal of his dark and desperate journey as he came to terms with reality and searched for meaning. That journal, preserved for us, is the book of Ecclesiastes. Its words are as relevant to today's hedonistic, workaholic, and entertainment-frenzied culture as they were during the time the ancient monarch was on his long and lonely drift. Here is the harsh reality of under-the-sun living—the pleasure-seeking lifestyle in the raw. Here is emptiness personified.

Here is life on the ragged edge.

The studies will convince all of us that life apart from God is one miserable, futile mess. Without Christ as the centre and source of our lives, we drift through a desert of despair in a world of darkness. May we heed the warnings and wisdom of Solomon's desperate journey toward peace and fulfilment.


  • 267 pages
  • Available as a digital PDF
  • If you purchase the downloadable PDF Bible companion no physical product will be sent. You will be able to access your purchased downloads in the downloads section of your Insight for Living Canada Store account

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Living on the Ragged Edge: Coming to Terms with Reality