Products/Audio/Single Messages/Authentic Love, CD message

Authentic Love, CD message

Charles R. Swindoll

What is love? If we were to ask 10 people that question, we would probably get at least 10 different answers. And there are many different kinds of love. We feel affection toward those we admire and who warm our hearts. We love our friends with whom we feel a deep connection. And we feel romantic love toward a spouse. But the highest form of love is charity—the type of devotion that seeks the highest good of another. This love serves unconditionally, regardless the cost. The Bible talks about this kind of sacrificial love in 1 Corinthians 13. This is the kind of love that we need most of all, and it finds its fullest expression in God’s relationship to us.

1 Corinthians 13:1-8

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Authentic Love, single message