Products/Audio/Single Messages/Amazing Predictions, CD message

Amazing Predictions, CD message

Charles R. Swindoll

If you aren’t Jewish, then you’re what the Bible calls a “Gentile.” Most folks who follow the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, are just that—Gentiles. And as Gentiles, most of us don’t always understand Jewish Scripture, the Old Testament. This is particularly true when it comes to reading the prophetic books of the Bible. It’s helpful, however, to keep in mind that the Old Testament makes the first announcements of Messiah’s coming and ministry. And few prophetic books have more prophecies about Messiah Jesus than the book of Isaiah.

Isaiah 7:14; 9:6–7; 61:1–3; Matthew 1:21–23; Luke 4:14–22, 28–30

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Amazing Predictions, single message