Products/Sale/What Is My Response to God’s Blessings? CD message

What Is My Response to God’s Blessings? CD message

Charles R. Swindoll

Jesus’ favourite method of communication was storytelling. And He was a master at it! His stories aren’t fairy tales or pointless pieces of ear-tickling fiction. They are stories that carry strong and penetrating messages. To this day, some of the deepest theological truths ever taught are wrapped within the plot of a parable once told by Christ.

The parable we are considering today appears on the surface to be to be about a man and his slaves, but it actuality symbolizes the Saviour and His followers. Read it closely. Think it through. See if you don’t agree that it has a great deal to say about how we are to respond to the blessings of God.

Matthew 25:14-30

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What Is My Response to God’s Blessings? single message